Thursday, January 26, 2012

Death Has Confirmed Of No Exemption

by Goddess Poet

You are suscessful and you think you have everything?

Sometimes success plus money don't really make ones life happy and completely....
Even a billionaire,a king,a queen,the prince and the princess they are just a human being and with their properties they are richer than other people in the World but they aren't really contented for what they have.

"Diamond aren't always what glance but love is more than as brilliants."

People who has money has more stressful life compares to those who don't have possessed they lack of coins but still they could smile unlike those moneyed volks sometimes they are more unhappy and having a stressful life.Luxury is stressy...always this unsatisfying beauty correctors,lifting/ butox ,silicon boobs.."
That's true "MONEY can buy everything and it's possible but LOVE remains invisible."

Whatever,successful,moneyed and high leveled human beings don't deserved others as what destinations has the poor and hunger people on this World. Rich or Poor ,people no need to pretend if what you are because everyone of us has only one destinations and the word is called DEATH!

"Beauty and properties that we possesed now are just a borrowed things in life and a short elation on Earth,so we don't need to pretend for what kind of resources we have. Someday ,somewhere,somehow ,nothing will last or will exist forever.

Everything can fade it away. What we have to do now,just be simple and accept others life standard and what they are because you're not a special thing in the World for what you've now, when your candles burns out in the end you have nothing!!!

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